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This downloadable MP3 mediation exercise will be right up our street if:

  • you need relaxation time
  • you worry about things
  • you get stressed or anxiety easily
  • you need to remove yourself for some alone time
  • you need perspective on a situation
  • you want to rise about other people's pettiness
  • you are looking to find your tribe
  • you want to reinforce healthy boundaries
  • you need guidance about a situation
  • you have been struggling with your connection


Use with the Cherry Tree Village meditation tok ground out what you have learned and bring it into reality if needed.


You will find with regular use, or when needing guidance;

  • a sense of inner confidence
  • a sense of peace and calm
  • a sense of your own divinity
  • a stronger spiritual connection
  • worry less about the small stuff
  • be able to prioritise
  • a sense of inner knowing which will give you confidence in your pathway
  • a safe space to use regularly
  • a sense of removal from situations where you need it
  • invite other similar souls into your life
  • easily and gently remove other souls from your life who are not in your place at the moment.

Cherry Blossom MP3 Meditation - Mountainside

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